Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Roy Shults: More Thoughts on Grandfatherhood and Some Other Stuff

Great reports and pictures!  Yes, I am enjoying my grandfather status far too much, maybe because the only other baby I ever helped raise was my brother, born the summer before our freshman year. My parents being, well, my parents, I had to take care of him a lot while juggling all we had to do as freshmen at Maryknoll. As a retiree, taking care of my grandson is a breeze in comparison.

And Brian [Spitzer], there was at least one other military brat at the reunion--ME! A Navy brat though, not Air Force. I'd love to reconnect with Susie Gerwig, too. Our years at Maryknoll didn't overlap, but by the small world phenomenon, we were classmates at Aliamanu Intermediate, as it was then called, for 7th and 8th grade.

I feel as Yuki does about Hawai'i, despite my minimal Polynesian ancestry and not living there. I have felt a powerful bond with Hawai'i and its people since I first stepped foot there in 1960, and that remains. I hope I live long enough to take my grandson there one day. With all that non-Hawai'ian humans have done to try to destroy it and the kanaka maoli, it persists as, to me, the most beautiful place on earth.

As Mr. Spock was wont to say, I say to all of you, "Live long and prosper."

With much aloha,

Roy Shults

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